Our staff will be wearing facemasks and washing their hands or using hand sanitizer before and after every appointment.
Neurotherapy rooms and areas that are commonly touched are also thoroughly sanitized in between each appointment.
The waiting room is thoroughly disinfected mid-day and at the end of each day.
Detailed cleaning of the entire office space is performed at the end of each week.

In this process, we kindly ask our patients to do the following:
We ask all patients to time their arrival such that they have time to use the washrooms facilities if needed (located on the third floor and cleaned 3 times a day – morning, noon and evening), and then arrive in our office no earlier than 5 minutes before their appointment times.
We ask everyone to please wear a mask into our building and during set up and take down of their neurotherapy sessions.
Everyone is encouraged to wash their hands or use the hand sanitizer before and after the appointment. Hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol is available in the therapy rooms and at the reception counter – we encourage people to use it.
Please be mindful of appropriate physical distancing in the waiting area.

We will be sending out an Informed Consent form for in-person appointments during COVID-19, which we ask that you read and sign prior to your in-person appointments.
For any questions, please contact out office at 778-440-4040 or admin@brockpsychservices.com
Thank you for your continuous support!